Monday, June 15, 2009

Always an Occasion

The peonies are blossoming, the roses are casting an ambitious scent and daring passersby to stop and smell them. Life is moving as it always does, and the occasions for enjoying flowers are ever-present. Some moments require a masterpiece of flowers - orchestrated to celebrate life and new beginnings; others are necessary for the commemoration of an extraordinary life that has moved beyond our physical understanding. Other times, it is essential that a bouquet of flowers tied in a ribbon be presented with downcast eyes and a plea for forgiveness to your neighbor because your dog, yet again, tore up their front garden (or something like that).

Whatever the story, whatever the need, whatever the occasion... there is a Little House of Flowers in Gambrills that wants to be a part of it. And here is the new website that will tell the story.

In the next few weeks, the stories will unfold - some will be funny, some will be heart-warming and some will plead sympathy. But all of them will tell the stories of this life.

So if your dog tears up a front garden, or your toddler pulls and plucks the newly planted lilac tree from your neighbors' front lawn, the Little House of Flowers can help.

We look forward to being a part of these stories. And don't worry, we'll have a few of our own.

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